Why Choose US?

Unwavering quality standards.


Quality2 ™

To deliver data collection reliably and repeatedly, Rep Data owns both Service Quality and Data Quality, aka. Quality2.

Our service quality is reliant on the following Rep Data principles: representative sample, reputable panels, repeatable process, and reps who over-deliver.

Additionally, we rigorously check pre, during, and post field data quality to drive long-term customer relationships.


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Service Quality

REPresentative Sample

By not owning a panel asset, we offer unbiased solutions for our clients. To ensure a representative sample, we crowdsource multiple suppliers on every project. Each supplier has its own unique recruitment model and incentive structure, which increases sample source diversity. Similar to how Uber/Lyft drivers compete against each other to pick up a rider, Rep Data's survey suppliers compete against each other in real time for access to open quotas. Typically, on an average study, 10-15 suppliers will contribute. This reduces individual supplier bias, increases feasibility, speeds up field time, and lowers cost. We access 250 global double opt-in panel suppliers with a worldwide reach of 70 million respondents.

REPutable PAnels

The foundation of quality in the research process is the sample itself. To continue with our unbiased theme, Rep Data partners with external consultants to rate our sample suppliers on an ongoing basis. We don't want to grade our own homework. Each Rep Data supplier must meet a minimum quality benchmark, similar to how an Airbnb host must maintain a rating to list their property. Suppliers are graded on respondent attentiveness, time spent taking survey, straightlining, open-end response quality, and attitudes over time.
To complement the sample quality, we also implement strict quality checks before, during, and after field. See the data quality section below for more details about our quality assurance process.

REPeatable Process

Data and public opinion have never been more important to a business' survival. Rep Data's goal is to collect mission critical data quickly and reliably, so researchers can make proactive informed decisions. Through thousands of repetitions, we built a six stage repeatable process, which can be found here.

REPs who over-deliver

We are research agents. Our reps put client needs first and foremost. Researchers can expect a knowledgeable, responsive, consistent, and unselfish account team. Click here to meet the reps who over-deliver.

Data Quality

To complement service quality, we implement strict data quality checks at each phase of a project to ensure that high quality respondents are entering and completing the survey, low quality responses are removed, and feedback is incorporated and relayed back to partners at the close of fieldwork.


Quality 1

Quality 2

Quality 3

We utilize the leading market research fraud detection, programming, sampling, and visualization technologies with end-to-end project management.  Through repeatable process and methodology, Rep Data executes on time and on budget.